Quantum Gypsies

A collection of things I have found enjoyable

This is a list, in no particular order, of the music that I am currently listening to.

Love and Fear
Tom Russell
Hightone Records A recent (2006) Tom Russell collection, with the feeling of getting older running through it. Beautiful trouble is my favorite track.
World without tears
lucinda Williams
UMG Recordings A great country rock compilation from 2003.
Lucinda is one of those raw alt.country singers who you will either love or hate.
Copperhead Road
Steve Earle
Geffen Records A twenty year old collection that still sounds fresh and modern.
revolution Starts Now
Steve Earle
Artemis Records A 2004 collection that has some interesting material like the truck driver dreaming of home whilst convoying in Iraq.
One of the strangest tracks is a love song to Condaleeza Rice. Strange that is until you twig that, as usual, he is extracting the urine out of the Bush administration.
The Man From God Knows Where
Tom Russell
Kirkelig Kulturverksted Only buy this if, like me, you are already a Tom Russell fan.
It is a rambling history of his family, from their origins in Ireland and Norway through their life in America. Basically a single song, but with different tunes for each collection of verses.
Backwoods Barbie
Dolly Parton
Dolly records O.K. sneer if you want, but Dolly still has the best voice in modern music.
She is at her self parody best on the title track.
Wounded heart of America
Various artists
Hightone records A great collection of Tom Russell songs performed by people as diverse as Johnny Cash and Lawrence Ferlinghetti. The songs are vintage Russell, ballads about people living on the fault lines and in the fractures of society. It finishes on a couple of songs sung by Tom himself. A scathing comment on Nashville in "The death of Jimmy Martin" and a rousing question to the middle class of "whose gonna build your wall?" to seal off Mexico, if all the illegals are sent home.
Day after tomorrow
Joan Baez
Proper Records Ltd I have been a fan of Joan since the 1960's and my all time favorite album is "Any day now", a collection of Bob Dylan songs from 1968 which are transformed into something very special when Joan sings them. This 2008 collection is produced by Stave Earle and therefore takes Joan's sound in a somewhat new direction. Still the same beautiful voice though and the same clever guitar playing.
Lucinda Williams
UMG Recordings Inc I am slowly buying up all of Lucinda's back catalogue and this is another gem. Driving rhythms, intelligent words and that soulful gravelly voice. It's country music Jim, but not as you know it. Now if I could just get her next to the Rolling Stones.....
Ryan Bingham
UMG Recordings Inc A young Texan troubadour. He will never be an international star, but well worth a liston to.

Last updated 4 January 2009